
Showing posts with the label Apps for business connections

G+ Keeping Google Plus Secure with a penalty and punishments to pay for inappropriate behavior

To: Ben Smith  Dear Google Fellow and Vice President of Engineering. Our Privacy & Data Protection is a priority for us as users and consumers reviewed this security issue at G+ with consumer-like Me :), IT, business and expert alike, are looking at the type of data involved, whether we could accurately identify the users and a security solution to inform, whether there was any evidence of misuse data bridge, and whether there were any actions by other companies or a security developer or user could take in response and responsibility of its misuse of G+ product. None of these thresholds were met in this instance and no one has pay for it but us the consumer.  The connection engagement and communication at the G+ communities that we have built/created will affect the interaction with the right audience that we have communication with. The intention to connect business information and educate consumers about Google products and its technology will...

A New Brand A+ New Game Plan

A New Brand A+ New Game Plan Business Connection Engagement and Communications. Building A New Brand is a New Game Plan...It is all about getting educated in the area of business , coaching the right team, and having the right tools to work in a timely matter. Now a day it is important to be aware of what position your business. All are in mobile with the new technology to cut up with and what are the needs of different  products in your organization in order to get the job well done and be productive about your goal. It is all about having the right idea, interest in business ROI , and implementing the it "The goal" with the right tools to create a new game plan. It will keep your expenses to the minimum, simple and efficient in order to keep up with new upcoming technologies and keep your customers coming to you every time you have products or services of their interest, marketing, and in a mobile time matter.  Here we h...

Digital Marketing and your Global Workplace.

Business Connection and Digital Marketing... Digital Marketing Education Digital Marketing and your workplace is the key to position your business in Today's business global Real Estate online market as a successful business strategy. Please join us at the educational global interaction digital market to educate business owners on how to communicate their business with today's Digital Marketing Technology and how to integrate Digital Marketing into our business. Also, how to target the right audience at the right time for the right business market. Interested in the topic please visit us at: Stay Connect with more Tips and information at our G+ Community for more updates. Be Part of our Google + Community and stay connected. communities/ 104182245219792738097 Respectfully Yours, Wening Cintron