
Showing posts from October, 2018

G+ Keeping Google Plus Secure with a penalty and punishments to pay for inappropriate behavior

To: Ben Smith  Dear Google Fellow and Vice President of Engineering. Our Privacy & Data Protection is a priority for us as users and consumers reviewed this security issue at G+ with consumer-like Me :), IT, business and expert alike, are looking at the type of data involved, whether we could accurately identify the users and a security solution to inform, whether there was any evidence of misuse data bridge, and whether there were any actions by other companies or a security developer or user could take in response and responsibility of its misuse of G+ product. None of these thresholds were met in this instance and no one has pay for it but us the consumer.  The connection engagement and communication at the G+ communities that we have built/created will affect the interaction with the right audience that we have communication with. The intention to connect business information and educate consumers about Google products and its technology will...